Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cover Letters

I do agree with all of the articles I read because they seem like they are a respectable source and I do not have any background in writing cover letters. I am a very visual person so the cover letter check list outlining the main things I need was the most beneficial to me because it listed the information without any fluff and with bullets.
The postscript technique was very interesting, I had never thought about doing that or have I ever read about that until now. It said to throw in a P.S. at the end and right a achievement you have had to make yourself sound good. Then the fact the recommended to handwrite the the P.S. was fairly weird to me but I def think it would get right away so that would be a good way to start out for the reader. I would use that technique and then all of the checklist material for my cover letter that is to be included in my portfolio. See ya next week!

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